Can our gut health affect our mental health?

I have been pondering and am intrigued at the number of mental health issues that seem to have arisen over the past number of years. In days gone by, emotional health seems to have been much better than it is currently and one of the interesting points that popped into my mind during some recent studying is that our gut health plays a more important role in our wellbeing than we realise.

‘All disease begins in the gut’   –   Hippocrates

Gut bacteria differ from person to person, depending on diet, health imbalances (bowel, skin, allergies, inflammation, etc.) and environments. About 70% of the cells that make up our immune system are housed in our gut and these are negatively affected by a highly processed, high sugar, high fat, low fibre diets and the use of antibiotics. Not having healthy gut bacteria can result in a compromised immune system, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease, parasites, candida, bloating, poor digestion), allergies, recurring infections, arthritis, skin conditions and mood changes. There have even been suggestions that dementia and certain cancers can be linked to poor levels of healthy gut bacteria.

Therefore, if we adopt a healthier diet can the body can heal itself?

Support the body’s self healing with good nutrition, clean water, exercise and time in nature.  Don’t suppress infections and fever using antibiotics, steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs as these may cause a deeper seated issues such as allergies, asthma or autoimmune conditions. Use natural remedies including herbs, homeopathy and supplements to help the body heal infections naturally. Good gut bacteria can produce vitamins, aid digestion, support healthy immune function and fight disease. The inclusion of prebiotic, probiotic and fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha and cultured yoghurts in our diet as well as detoxing and gut cleansing will help the gut heal and restore a healthy balance.

Emotions can influence or trigger disease and health issues which is compounded by a compromised immune system. Ill health is an ‘energetic’ problem and therefore responds well to ‘energetic’ medicine such as organic foods, herbs, homeopathy and being in nature to regain balance. Incorporate regular exercise such as a brisk walk, run, cycle or gym session into your daily regime and you will feel the difference that it makes to you physical, emotional and mental state.

‘Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.’ -Kevin Trudeau. I would love to help you heal your gut bacteria and boost your immune system so that you can live your best life.

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